Sunday, May 5, 2013

Introductory Blog

My name is BigAnon Mouse. I am a journalist from The Anonmouse Times. In this Tectonic Tour, I will start out on the left side of the North American Plate. More specifically, I will be in the Gulf of California. That area has a Transform border. A Transform boundary is when two plates are sliding past each other. Fractures occur along the sides.

After that, this journey will take me to the Himalayan Mountain range. It is a convergent boundary, where two plates converged. Because they two plates went up, the location is called a collision boundary (a subcategory of convergent). The Himalayan Mountain range is located strictly on the north side of the Indian Plate. It converged with a small southern part of the Eurasian Plate.

Then, my travels will take me to Eastern side of the Pacific Plate. That boundary is called a subduction boundary, which is also a subcategory of a convergent boundary. This time, instead of going up, the two plates, when pushed together, went downwards, forming the deepest part of the ocean. This part is called the Mariana Trench. It is the lowest part in the entire body of water on Earth.

After visiting the highest and lowest point on earth, I will journey toward a Divergent boundary. The location is along the floor of the Atlantic, at a place called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. A divergent boundary is formed when two plates are moving apart. Valleys from when this happen. The valley is categorized as a rift valley.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and everything included in this post and following is fake. However, the information on the four sites included is factual.

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